1000 Steps Program
MDriven Levels: Stars & Certificates
The MDriven Book
- Table of Contents
- What is MDriven
- Introduction
- Praise to UML
- What if UML was forbidden
- Luckily UML is NOT forbidden
- What is not to like
- What is next
- Information design
- Introduction to UML
- Association classes
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Composite and Aggregate
- Derived attributes & associations
- UML – State machines
- Constraints
- The ViewModel
- The declarative ViewModel
- Taking it further still
- What an Action can do
- Global actions
- Action names
- Microsoft Office and OpenDocument
- Prototyping
- Introducing MDriven Server
- Security concerns
- MDrivenServer Summarized
- Periodic server-side actions
- Exporting files from MDriven Server
- SQLExport from MDriven Server
- What is Object Constraint Language
- Certain important constructs
- Seeker view
- Efficient ViewModel fetch
- Introducing MDriven Turnkey
- Creating your own MDriven Turnkey instance in your Azure account
- Set up MDriven Turnkey on premise
- Turnkey architecture
- Security
- Information Security
- Access control system in MDriven
Learn in Stages
- Simple table component
- Access control system in MDriven
- Accessing objects and navigating meta-levels in code
- Added tagged values to attributes
- Load balancing Turnkey and MDrivenServer
- CleanForFree
- CodeDress
- Corrupt MDriven Server
- Custom OR Mapping
- Doing your own Primary keys
- Downgrade MDriven Framework version
- Efficient ViewModel fetch
- Exporting files from MDriven Server
- Rename a class in your model
- IAsyncSupportService
- Import data from other SQL servers
- Importing web service interface as model
- Installing MDriven Server on Windows
- Logging OCL in Turnkey
- MDrivenServer, serverside environment variables
- Problem saving database script
- PSExpression
- Remote Turnkey access
- Reverse engineer a database
- Side effects
- SQLExport from MDriven Server
- Using other than standard Persistence Mappers per attribute
- Using the model debugger to change the model itself
- Versioned on class
- WCF issues
- HasUserCode in Enterprise Core Objects
Android projects
Video Tutorials
Security concerns for MDriven Server
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Legend: (cur) = difference with latest revision, (prev) = difference with preceding revision, m = minor edit.
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