Office365 accesstoken
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Once you are ready to "log on" or authorize, you must say what scope THIS particular session should see: scope looks like this, its a space-delimited string:  
Once you are ready to "log on" or authorize, you must say what scope THIS particular session should see: scope looks like this, its a space-delimited string:  
  offline_access User.Read Sites.Read.All
  offline_access User.Read Sites.Read.All
Other example: User.Read, Directory.AccessAsUser.All , Sites.Read.All
Put this value in SysSingleton.Office365Scope
Put this value in SysSingleton.Office365Scope

Revision as of 11:40, 29 September 2023


Office365 contains the GraphAPI used to access SharePoint documents, calendars, emails, etc.

2023-04-24 17h45 47.png

What you need to do on the Azure side of this (also called the tennant by Microsoft) is to do an App_Registration, do this at:

From here you will need:

  • Client id, a guid string - put this in SysSingleton.Office365ClientId
  • tennant id, a guid string - put this in SysSingleton.Office365TennantId
  • Client secret, SysSingleton.Office365ClientSecret

You must also set up the redirect endpoints that shall be allowed for this solution (where Azure will go and is allowed to go in our app once it has done the authentication of the user).

On Azure, give the EXACT SAME (case sensitive) as you put in SysSingleton.Office365Redirect. - this value MUST point to <your systems url>/Account/AzureAdAuthorize

The Account/AzureAdAuthorize is a new controller action that assumes you have the above office365 values in SysSingleton. It sends a post request to "" + tennantid + "/oauth2/v2.0/token" and gets the accesstoken and the refreshtoken. These tokens are then written to CurrentUser - SysUser.Office365AccessToken and SysUser.Office365RefreshToken.

You will also need to Grant your app-registration access to particular interfaces in Office365 (allowed to see an email or not, allowed to see SharePoint lists or not).

Image (3).png

Once you are ready to "log on" or authorize, you must say what scope THIS particular session should see: scope looks like this, its a space-delimited string:

offline_access User.Read Sites.Read.All
Other example: User.Read, Directory.AccessAsUser.All , Sites.Read.All

Put this value in SysSingleton.Office365Scope

We can now formulate the request for (1) a code (lives a very short time) - we will then use this code to get (2) an access token (lives an hour) and (3) a refresh token (lives very long - often until revoked).

&redirect_uri='+SysSingleton.oclSingleton.UrlEncode( SysSingleton.oclSingleton.Office365Redirect,false)+'
&scope='+SysSingleton.oclSingleton.UrlEncode( SysSingleton.oclSingleton.Office365Scope,false)+'

Note the last query parameter: state - This is just round-tripped for us. We use it to know where to redirect once we have the accesstoken.

You can use the Tagged value DataIsLink and have the above URL in a ViewModel column, or use the selfVM.NavigateURL in an action.

Once you have the accesstoken, you can try a GraphAPI call like this:

This page was edited more than 10 months ago on 03/19/2024. What links here