
A Comprehensive Guide to the common terms used in MDriven Documentation and Tools

Access Expression
an expression that controls whether the ViewModel is shown or not
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Access Groups
these control what is visible and/or enabled for a user in a certain role or situation
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what a user or an API can execute to create an effect in the running system
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Angular JS
an open-source JavaScript framework that lets you build well-structured, easily testable, and maintainable front-end applications by using the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern
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a method or operator that's available on all objects of all classes - on a model object, it usually takes the default string representation and returns that
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the strategy to move files along with your model onto the server that runs your Turnkey application every time you upload your model
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the connection or relationship between Classes and Objects
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Association classes
additional information on the relationship between Classes
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Async Ticket
a pattern you can easily add to your model, backed by recent MDrivenServers
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data stored within a modeled class, usually stored in an SQL Server database as a field
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a view generated from the backing model in MDriven Designer e.g. if you have a view based on SysSingleton, an autoform from SysSingleton will add all the different attributes of that class to a ViewModel. It is a shortcut to get a basic setup of views in a system.
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a DB-generated Guid value
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a cloud platform designed by Microsoft to simplify the process of building modern applications
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BEM stands for Block, Element, Modifier. It is a convention on how to structure CSS rule
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a web framework for building web UI components (Razor components) that can be hosted in different ways
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Binary Large Object - usually stores a string of bytes - has a Blob type that can be image, text, or binary
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a data type that represents one of two possible values, typically denoted as true and false
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an error, flaw, failure, or fault in a computer program or system that produces unexpected or incorrect results
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a function that allows you to write strongly typed C# code in Visual Studio and have that code implemented in a Turnkey site
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a group of objects with similar properties (attributes), common behaviour (operations), common relationships to other objects, and common meaning (“semantics”)
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Class Actions
actions that always have the context or the root objects as the object of a class
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Class Diagrams
shows classes and their relations
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a data structure or container that allows developers to store, organize, and manipulate a group of related data items
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a synonym to attribute - called column because it is represented that way and usually called the same in an SQL database
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a picklist or dropdown list
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a general term but most common with MDriven, it is something that is part of the User Interface - like a diagram component
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ways to introduce business rules in the model rather than using state machines and guards
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the circumstances that form the setting for a statement or idea in terms of which it can be fully understood
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an HTTP-header-based mechanism that allows a server to indicate any origins (domain, scheme, or port) other than its own from which a browser should permit loading resources
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C-Sharp (C#)
a programming language developed by Microsoft that runs on the .NET Framework
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CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
allows you to control the formatting of your website
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CSS Grid
a layout system in web design and development that allows developers to create complex two-dimensional grid-based layouts for websites and web applications
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