Best Practices
Best practices
Here’s how YOU can make MDriven work for YOU
Suggestions and ideas on how to creatively use MDriven tools.
MDriven Source code instructions
Istall the MDriven source code.
Navigating without user interaction
Automatically navigate to another page after a user has logged in.
Statemachines forcing your hand even if you are admin
Bypass the rules of the Statemachine.
Publish a read-only version of the model for everyone in your team to see
Html frontend tips and tricks
Different solutions to the issues you could face when using MDriven tools and Html.
Practical expressions to get insights into your model content
Sample expressions to add to your model
Cloud deployment strategies
(Description will be added soon)
(Description will be added soon)
Optimizing for performance
(Description will be added soon)
Global deployment
(Description will be added soon)
Versioning your data
(Description will be added soon)
Data security
(Description will be added soon)
Logging/User activity
(Description will be added soon)
Server hardening
(Description will be added soon)