Switching to VS from MDrivenDesigner to access codedress

Start visual studio, create a new project, use Template MDrivenEcoSpaceAndModelProject

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Delete EcoSpace and PMP since we only want model.

Open the EcoProject1.ecomdl, Delete exeisting content, classes,Views, Actions, then:

MDriven tab, Import modlr:

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Are you using NetFramework4.7+ -> install/update nuget packages

Are you using .netCore, .net6+ -> Create a .net6 project - move the model file to this project, install nuget packages: MDriven.Interfaces, MDriven.Handles,MDriven.LinqExtender,

Remember to move your <modelname>_AssetsTK into the project, same level as ecomdl file. Build. Then codegen:

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From this point forward you use VS to upload.

From this point forward you must press codegen whenever you do anything that effects model structure (classes, associations, statemachines)

From this point forward you must build your project (F5 in VS) prior to upload so that the latest build is used for codedress

Now when you add a Method to a Class and leave the Body(eal) field empty - a stub is generated in c#:

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