First MDriven Summit 16 March 2022
Det vore kul att träffa dig på MDriven Summit - den 16 Mars 16.00 i Kvadrats-lokaler på Kungsholmen i Stockholm.
Det blir presentationer och mingel - tillfälle att diskutera var vi är och vart vi ska - idé-ägare och utvecklare och nyfikna.
Öl och tilltugg - vi håller på till 20.00 med möjlighet till efterhäng.
We will be hosting the MDriven Summit 16:th March in Stockholm - you are more than welcome to attend in person - but if you cannot make it please consider to send a short video greeting for us to present at the summit!
Suggested content of a video greeting 2 to 8 minutes: Your name and location (we want to show that geography is not a blocker) - your project(s) (we want to show diversity in business support) - any love-boost you want to share with the emerging community (we want you and everyone else to feel good)!
This would help us tremendously to build the community and become strong together!
Why, how and Who MDriven. 16-20 CET
Target audience; customers, consultants and interested parties
Abeni Wickham describes the SciFree work
Other Customers that may share insights and applications
Perrigo - Idé
EasyArr - Idé
Kvadrat, Anna - shorter way to deploy
Daniel Wikholm, Hawkeye
Bengt - Entreprenör
Lars - BaseApp and other prebaked Gist models
Edward Galiaskarov.- Russian univeristy - video?
Damien - video?
OceanManagers - video?
Peter Buchmann, Landesbank
Anders Lundgren , IX
Wildfire / cultontech
William Wong, Clinical Trials Centre, The University of Hong Kong
Yevgeniy Suvorov - Linux MDriven
MDriven News
Panel-discussion - Q&A
Mingel , sandwich and beer