About the index
This index consists of names of concepts - all concepts in MDriven should be listed in this index. Concepts interlink and use each other in MDriven but HOW they interlink is not visible in the index. The index should link to pages where you find more detailed descriptions.
If you write more than a sentence in this page you have misunderstood the index and you must read the above sentence again.
The index has 3 different rings where ring 1 describes the concepts of MDriven in terms of non MDriven concepts, ie no prior knowledge is expected/needed. Ring 2 describe MDriven concepts in relation to other MDriven concepts, ie the reader has the ambition of tying things together to build production grade information systems. Ring 3 describe MDriven concepts in technical detail and ties it to past, existing and coming modernity, ie the reader seeks to understand how things actually work in relation to the non MDriven world.
Ring 1
Information systems
Information models
The UML standard
Agile development
DevOps (Development and Operations)
Knowledge building
Securing knowledge over time
Domain Driven Design (DDD)
Model Driven Architecture (MDA)
Source code
User interface (UI)
User Interaction
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
Micro Services