When you set Versioned on a class we never use sql-command-update or delete for that class. Instead we use insert with TimeStampStart and TimeStampStop added as non-attribute-db-columns.
You can now track all the changes done on an object - and retrieve old versions of that object with operators like allInstancesAtTime, atTime, objectTimeStamp
If Class1 is versioned this is a valid expression:
Class1.allinstances.changepoints(0,-1)->collect(x|x,x.objectTimeStamp, x.objectTimeStamp.timeStampToTime,x.objectTimeStamp.timeStampToTime.timeToTimeStamp)
Class1.allinstances.changepoints(0,-1): Gives a list of all versions of all Class1 objects
x.objectTimeStamp : gives the integer number timestamp
x.objectTimeStamp.timeStampToTime : looks up the corresponding calendar datetime from ClockLog
x.objectTimeStamp.timeStampToTime.timeToTimeStamp : looks up the integer timestamp from a datetime
I had 1 Class1 object that I had changed 3 times:
Eco.Framework.Impl.Frontside.DefaultLoopback | 0 | 2022-10-26 13:09:25 | 0 |
Eco.Framework.Impl.Frontside.DefaultLoopback | 1 | 2022-10-26 13:09:28 | 1 |
Eco.Framework.Impl.Frontside.DefaultLoopback | 2 | 2022-10-26 15:56:48 | 2147483647 |