Fashion Gist and Modernity

One important fact to acknowledge is that although software systems consist of a lot of code, each type of code has a different purpose.

At MDriven, we have made it our mission to clarify the 3 different areas that create reasons why code exists. We call the 3 areas: Fashion, Gist, and Modernity.


This is the code the infrastructure of a system needs to work. Databases, network-transport, programming language, physical tiering, etc. - all this we classify as Modernity-code. We named it Modernity because this type of code is very time-dependent. A system created ten years ago looks different in its modernity-code because the progress of software infrastructure architecture has changed. Many systems have changed from one language to another, from fat-client to web, and from on-premise to in-cloud, etc.


All the code that has the primary purpose to create a finish, the right look, and feel is in the Fashion classification. Fashion, like Modernity, does not age well. Both Fashion and Modernity are under heavy change/pressure from the progress of technology - and fashion trends. Five years ago, no one talked about MaterialDesign - but now it is everywhere, however, for how long?


The third kind of code is what describes "the Gist" of the system - namely what kind of information the system is handling and which business rules guard the dynamics of that information. This type of code has a completely different life cycle compared to Modernity and Fashion. The Gist change is driven by the progress of internal and external business processes rather than a nonbusiness-specific environment.

Our Posits

Since only fools hard-fix things with different lifecycles together, it is something we must avoid. You have screws on your light bulbs in your house because light bulbs break more often than the house itself. You change the curtains and wallpaper when you are tired of the old ones; it is easier to change those than tearing down the house and rebuilding.

It is obvious to smart people that we need to change Fashion independently of Modernity and let Gist live on - in its own lifecycle.


At MDriven, we want to deliver these insights with our vision.

We believe that following these posits will earn businesses a lot of money, both with faster time to market and having a system with a better fit to said market - over time. The not-so-obvious benefit is the ability to hold the Gist of the system in a high-level description that not only acts as the motor of the software but also acts as the best available structured understanding of all the information that the business currently handles. When this kind of artifact is present in a community of people, that community gets a common language that enables a high-level and high-precision business discussion on what to do next. This is priceless for forward thinkers.


You can read on our Vision here

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