It is important to keep your model in sync with the reality it reflects! However, in a large model, some things might be a lot of work to change. Then, you will have a degrading model – not good!
You might not know, but the model in MDriven is itself an MDriven model.
In most places, in the designer, you can right-click and select Extras and then “Show autoform…” or “Open Model Debugger…”
You will get the same dialog as you would in your own model, but with the model’s terms.
In the Model Debugger, you can run any OCL against your model to find what you’re looking for, and then manually alter any and everything.
OCL and EAL to Help You Get Going
How to rename a class in your model – using the model debugger
Adding or removing tagged values in your model - using the model debugger
Added tagged values to attributes based on the class' tagged values
Setting all model classes to use AutoInc as PrimaryKeyMapper
Practical expressions to get insights into your model content