BootCamp: Chapter 17
This is Chapter 17. If you want to go back to the beginning, you can find it here: Chapter 1.
Go back to Chapter 16: The_1000_steps_program_to_MDriven_Chapter_16
Default names , dim default, plural suffix, what happens when model is changed - is your data lost?
Modal window - pick a seller
Check valid action based in current state with oclIsInState
Make use of GetSystemURL Eco.ExternalLateBound function to make our report work on any server
Video for chapter 17
531 | Change the name of a Association that has data in it - what happens on evolve with exiting data |
532 | Update the versions on MDrivenServer |
533 | Follow the discussion of where foreign keys are stored in the database |
534 | Rename the CarFactory.BrandOfCar and check with changes what would happen |
535 | Follow the discussion of Former-Names and understand benefit to move data when things change in the db |
536 | Follow the discussion of the rename-function vs just changing the name |
537 | In the CarFactoryView - amend the action CreateAndAddCodumentForSales according to the video |
538 | Follow the discussion what ViewModel column names that has underscore in them |
539 | Follow the discussion on whay it is unnecessary to set both ends of an association in MDriven |
540 | Amend the expression for CreateAndAddCodumentForSales to set the selected Car |
541 | Add the Cars registration and State to the DocumentForSales grid |
542 | Discover that The we actually use the state machine to create the paperwork for a sale |
543 | Clean up the model according to the video |
544 | Set up the rule to stop deletion of the PaperWork as long as a is not in InOwnershipTransaction |
545 | Create a new Viewmodel named CarDealerPicker - by using UIHints CopyValueStore autoForm |
546 | Move the global action into the Views manuGroup |
547 | Clean up un needed columns from the DocumentForSales grid |
548 | Add an action in DocumentForSales grid - call it PickBuyer |
549 | Create a new ViewModelAction that bring up our the new CarDealerPicker viewModel - call that also PickBuyer |
550 | Set the PickBuyer viewmodel action as "Is modal" |
551 | When you show a dialog as modal you must give an expression to decide when the "Ok" button in the modal should show - set it to vCurrent_CarDealer->notempty |
552 | When you have a dialig as model - you can also perfom something specific upon the user pressing OK - This is called the Expression after modal ok. In our case we want to vCurrent_DocumentForSales.Buyer:=vModalResult_vCurrent_CarDealer |
553 | Save model - and upload it to MDrivenServer |
554 | Test to assign a buyer - see that the CarDealer-picker shows - but it is empty |
555 | Go to Views/CarDealerPicker - and use the left side actions to create 3 dealers - give them names - save |
556 | Navigate back to the CarFactoryView and test the Pick buyer button again |
557 | Verify that the DeleteDocumentForSales readonly rule works as designed - not allowing delete of paperwork in a Ownership transaction |
558 | Initiate sale of a new car. Verify that you cannot do Initiate sale on a car that already is in a Ownership transaction |
559 | Follow the discussion in the video on why the report does not work any longer. |
560 | Follow the discussion on how to get a access to the servers own adress from within our model |
561 | Follow the discussion on methods tagged with Eco.ExternalLateBound tag value |
562 | In the report template viewmodel TheTemplateForCarTransferOwnersdhipDocumentReport change the TemplateUrl expression to NOT return a hard coded server address but rather ask the system for the correct server address just in time. |
563 | Upload the model and test to produce the document. |
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