BootCamp: Chapter 2

This is Chapter 2. You should consider finishing Chapter 1 first.

Here is a video that shows the steps below:

Video 2: Mdriven Education Video Steps 41 - 75: Auto-diagram, OCL, and Autoforms

Title Content Time(Segment Start)
Introduction Introduction and copying of previous work Introduction
Deleting and Moving Deleting and moving associations/relations from the diagram and model,

deleting classes from the diagram

Deleting and moving at 01:11
Association to self Association/relation from a class to itself Association to self at 7:05
Auto-diagram and More Deleting Difference between diagram and auto-diagram, deleting and reintroducing attributes from the diagram, deleting classes from the diagram and the model Auto-diagram and more deleting at 9:24
More Association Adding classes and relations repetition(see earlier steps) More association at 12:56
OCL OCL expressions and constraints OCL at 17:15
Autoforms Intro to Autoforms and ViewModels Autoforms at 27:34

Understanding Class-diagrams, Creating Classes and Making Use of AutoForms and DefaultStringRepresentation

41. Open the location where you saved your file and make a copy in a subfolder.

42. Create a new class (Class1) on the diagram next to Person.

43. Drag on a relation (or association) from Class1 to Person.

44. Find Class1 in Tree and double click to see the autodiagram - note the relation.

45. Go back to diagram, select the relation by clicking the line - press delete (del key). Del-key only removes relation from the diagram - not from the model.

46. Search for the Class1 in the Tree - click up the auto diagram - observe that it is still there.

47. Go back to diagram - right click Class1 - find Introduce&Remove/Re-introduce removed associations - click it - notice that the association you removed is now back on the diagram.

48. Select the end of the association - note the blue circle - while pressing ctrl-key click and hold the association end - hold and drag the association end and let it go when you are over Car. You have now moved an association.

49. Check the AutoDiagram, click the different classes, and make sure it says the same thing as the diagram. Go back and forth a few times and move the association ends of this relation.

50. Select the Class1 - press delete-key. Check tree and auto diagram - it is still in the model. The delete key only removes things from the diagram - not from the model.

51. Find Class1 in Tree - click-drag it onto the diagram surface - note that even its associations re-appear.

52. To delete something from a diagram and the model, you must press ctrl+delete. Select the association by clicking the line. Press ctrl+delete to delete. Check tree, and check autodiagram that it is gone.

53. Sometimes, you want a relation from a class back to the same class - create a relation by selecting the tool - click hold drag on Class1 - let go of the mouse button over open diagram space - note the via point - move the mouse to yet a new position in open diagram space - click to add yet a via point - from here move the mouse back over Class1 - click again. Note a relation to self has been created.

54. Check the autodiagram - note that Class1 now appears three times when shown - this is how an association to self is shown in autodiagram.

55. The autodiagram always shows the selected class and its surroundings completely - a diagram only shows the things from the model you have explicitly added to it.

56. In the diagram, in Class1 - add two new attributes (right click - add Attribute - twice) - select attribute1 - press delete-key, note that it disappears, check autodiagram - it still shows two attributes.

57. Go back to the diagram using the back-and-forth arrows next to the play button in the top toolbar.

58. Press ctrl-Z for undo - note that attribute1 re-appears.

59. Press ctrl-Y for redo - observe that attribute1 disappears again.

60. Right-click Class1, find Features/Pick Shown features, find attribute1 and move it back to shown - close the dialog - note that attribute1 is now back in the diagram Class1 display.

61. Select Class1 - press ctrl+delete - now Class1 is deleted, and it deleted its attributes and associations.

62. Create a new class and name it BrandOfCar. Remember to save your model often - ctrl-S.

63. Add an attribute of type string called Name.

64. Drag an association from Brand to Car - note that the multiplicity marking on the association should say that Car can have 0..1 Brand, and Brand has 0..*(many) Cars.

65. Open the debugger - add Brand-instances (Open Brand seeker, Add new), Name then Volvo, BMW, and Tesla - save the Debugger data.

66. In the debugger, open Autoform of a Car - note the new ability to assign a Brand - use it to assign a Brand - save the data.

67. Go back to the diagram, (Close debugger + run dialog), select Car, and in property inspection, find DefaultStringRepresentation. Press the ... to open the OCL editor. OCL is a language that allows you to navigate and pinpoint everything in the model. You can write freehand OCL - or you can use the context help of the OCL editor. All snippets of OCL code are called expressions. Expressions are like math functions, not only with numbers but also with information. The information you use in the expressions must be present in your model. This makes it easy to ensure that all expressions are valid. When you save the model, we start a validation and you will see a red dot when in error.

  • OCL is object-oriented - and the self/this variable of OCL is called self.
  • Write self. RegistrationNumber+' of type '+self.BrandOfCar.Name in the expression for DefaultStringRepresentation.
  • Okay the OCL editor. Save. Check for red dots. Try to introduce an error by saying Name2 instead of Name - save - see the red dot warning. Fix the issue.

68. The defaultStringReprestations of an object is used whenever we are not explicit with an attribute and we need a representation in string form of the object. The debugger Autoforms use this. Go into the debugger and see the header of Autoforms following your rule from above.

69. OCL is short for Object Constraints Language; many simple OCL tools use OCL only for constraints. In MDriven, we use OCL for almost everything. Go to Car - find Constraint in property inspector - click ... Add a new Constraint. The OCL expression of a constraint should validate to true; otherwise, the constraint is broken. Add the constraint self.BrandOfCar->notempty - this means that we will be true if we have a Brand associated and false if we do not. Enter the description of the constraint: Cars MUST have a Brand! - say that this is of type Warning.

70. Go into debugger Autoforms - check what happens when an object breaks the constraint (remove a brand of a car).

71. In MDriven, we can design ViewModels that use OCL expressions to build information elements that can be presented to a user. There is a quick way to do the default and show everything - it is called AutoForms. Right-click the diagram surface - find Autoforms/Create-refresh-Autoforms. Note the tree is filled up with ViewModels and Actions all tagged with AutoForm.

72. Right-click the diagram surface - find Autoforms/Drop-Autoforms - note that the tree is cleared of actions and ViewModels tagged with AutoForm.

73. Add back the AutoForms. Press Play now instead of the debugger and pick Run-Model-and-Continue-modeling. Familiarize yourself with the Menu and forms. Note that this system uses the same data as in the debugger.

74. AutoForms are just the beginning - though, they may feel a bit clunky. You can reduce clunkiness by setting properties in the model. For example, select association-end BrandOfCar, in propertyinspector find AutoForms - change value from SearchAndPick to Combobox. Autoforms/Create-refresh-Autoforms. Save model. Switch back to the WECPOF window that can be kept open while changing the model. Press Model refresh. Notice this different way to assign brands.

75. Assign a null brand - do you see the broken constraint?

Next Chapter

Chapter 3 The_1000_steps_program_to_MDriven_76_to_105

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