

We are not sure that there will be exactly 1000 steps, as there may be more. To learn, however, you can start at step 1 and make sure you master the steps in order. Soon, you will be a productive information modeler bringing business value to your customers at an unprecedented speed.

Whenever you lose your way, you can backtrack to a step that touches upon your current main point and follow along from there.

What is the 1000 Steps Program?

The 1000 steps program is a learning package that has been developed to take the learner from the very beginning to the production of web applications in small, manageable steps. It has been designed to be more comprehensive and detailed. By the end of the package, the learner will have a basic understanding of the product and be able to produce a web application.

The package contains many steps and side tracks, and it is designed to make the learning process less daunting. It is documented in a series of baby steps that will be easy for learners to revisit and review information as needed. The goal of the 1000 steps is to make it easy for users to understand how the tool works, mystery. While the package may appear complex, it is presented in an easy-to-understand manner that will teach the user how to use M-driven effectively.

a new approach to an introduction to M-driven, a learning package, 1,000 steps to M-driven. start from the very beginning, and not explain everything in the deepest detail, just moving on all the time, trying to push on and learn one more thing. Because at some point, maybe after 100 or 200 steps, you will know enough of the handicraft to actually start to talk and express yourself with the tools. And I think that most of our other videos has been very focused on a single function and sort of assume that you knew the other functions. And so that has made it hard to find a good way in to the product. But thinking ahead, there will be quite a few steps. Because once you have gone through a sort of happy path from knowing nothing to actually producing web applications, there's lots of side tracks that one can talk about, quite some time. And we probably should do that as well. So that once you meet your first customer client, you might not be fluent in everything. But at least you know that things exist and where to start looking to find things. And I would say you, more than others, have been trying every way to teach. And it's not easy. And I guess everyone needs it. But when we talked and came up with this, it's like we lack the ability to teach without thinking. And maybe you just need to do not get the whole theological reasons for modeling and just get to it. And then we thought maybe super small steps. So that's why there are so many. Because there are very tiny steps. But as soon as I saw the thousand steps, and I saw what the source steps were, I thought thousand baby steps really. Very, very small. It's just what, you know, click and do this, click and do that. But it seems like we are, we need to also, it's a bit actually just not scary way. But I mean, some things might, if you want to get into the tool all the way, or at least be able to produce something that gives real results, and you need to learn the house and how to click. And maybe that has been like, let's see if this works. And in the end, we can't shy away from building information systems for real life is a bit complicated because real life is complicated. And then we need to also accept that it's not for everyone. But the ones that has the ability should at least be able to find that out fairly easy how to do it. So it shouldn't be a mystery on how the thing works. And the great thing about having it documented in baby steps is that once you're on your merry way and for beyond it, you might still want to go back and check a specific thing at a later date. And all the steps are accompanied by a video. So I am welcome to enter. It's me talking basically, but trying to show every single thing we do. And the way I produce this is that I am sort of write the steps as they feel natural to me. But as I do, I might be skimming over things or neglecting to explain important things. So I'm very interested in getting some kind of feedback from those of you who know the tool, but still check this out to see if there's things that we can improve. Not necessarily that we're going to redo a lot of the steps, but we could do add-ons to this, like, side tracks, to go deeper into things that might be complicated. And then also, there's always a challenge what the path should be. Now we started with modeling and just handling the tool, adding clauses, and dragging on associations. Why we do that is because when we have been in a classroom earlier, that's not really an extremely simple thing for people trying the tool for the first time. Quite a few have managed to create an association to self and not finding it and getting a lot of errors and not understanding how to delete it. So that's why we put some effort into those first steps to just being able to get out of trouble and also know how the mechanics work and the separation of the model as a repository with all the clauses versus the diagrams that only show part of what's in the model. So now we are at step 150 or something like that. And I think it's good that we're already running a web application and adding or changing the seeker forms to do some more complex seeking than they came with initially. So I'm very happy that we're able to, even though we take extremely small steps, we cover ground. So that's also the main objective with this.

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