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=== FAQ Pricing ===
How are the following elements defined & quantified?
"Inclusive Add Ons?" - this is the part of the total price that was built up by checking the various AddOn buttons. When doing a price calculation for On Premises License we go with ALL the add-ins checked - this is since you are likely to make use of the offered extra service that the add on provides when you control your environment yourself.
"Better CPU & RAM?" - we run multiple WebApplications on S1 tier - we can but your WebApplication in better tier and/or less crowded tier to improve CPU & RAM situation
"Data out from Site?" Does this include large cross-referenced documents stored in a filesystem outside the main database? - Azure measure and charge on data out from site - we follow the same logic. Data up to site is currently free - but data down to client will be included
"Priority Support?" - We will always try to help you swiftly, but we we will help Priority support holders first
"Control Core Deployment?" - It is practical for us to choose when to upgrade your server software. It might not be best for you to not be in control when this happens. For an extra fee we communicate and find a time that works for us both
"Region Placement?" - It is practical for us to place your service in a data center where we have a slot open - it might be better for you to get a data center close to you or your customers
"Always On?" - We execute many sites, most are not in production and we can save CPU and Memory by spinning down sites that are not in use. This is however a pain for the user that wakes the site up - since it takes 50-60 secs typically. For production you want AlwaysOn
"MDriven Framework Option?" - The MDrivenFramework is a visual studio plugin - it gives you the model as c# code and you can fill in methods with standard c#. This is great for doing EVERYTHING we did not think of.
"History Server Option?" - It
How does licensing of MDriven designer work if I have the free version (allowing 50 classes) and I want to use more classes? The Turnkey pricing seems to suggest that this is included but how would I unlock the 50 class limit?
Would costs be reduced if I am hosting on my own Azure account?
Finally, how would one calculate the cost for a SaaS where each tenant has their own database?
When using the MCoins to pay for services the the 50 class limit is removed and there is no limit. Days when you use the MDrivenDesigner with a large model will consume more MCoins than days with smaller models.
Azure measure and charge on data out from site - we follow the same logic.
In the long run you will likely want to have your own cloud service provider (azure or aws or anything that runs Turnkey (currently IIS)) - when you have your own, you pay the provider for all resources - and you pay us only for tool usage and license and optional priority support - that may require you to let us in on your server.
The MDrivenFramework option is if you want to mix in c# in your model - can be very practical for special logic and integrations or heavy calculation.
We will update the wiki based on your questions.

The billing run takes 2 runs. The first run looks at Site/MDriven Server usage:
The billing run takes 2 runs. The first run looks at Site/MDriven Server usage:

Revision as of 21:14, 2 October 2018

MDriven Turnkey price and pricing is available in

Pricing model is explained in this video:

FAQ Pricing

How are the following elements defined & quantified?

"Inclusive Add Ons?" - this is the part of the total price that was built up by checking the various AddOn buttons. When doing a price calculation for On Premises License we go with ALL the add-ins checked - this is since you are likely to make use of the offered extra service that the add on provides when you control your environment yourself.

"Better CPU & RAM?" - we run multiple WebApplications on S1 tier - we can but your WebApplication in better tier and/or less crowded tier to improve CPU & RAM situation

"Data out from Site?" Does this include large cross-referenced documents stored in a filesystem outside the main database? - Azure measure and charge on data out from site - we follow the same logic. Data up to site is currently free - but data down to client will be included

"Priority Support?" - We will always try to help you swiftly, but we we will help Priority support holders first

"Control Core Deployment?" - It is practical for us to choose when to upgrade your server software. It might not be best for you to not be in control when this happens. For an extra fee we communicate and find a time that works for us both

"Region Placement?" - It is practical for us to place your service in a data center where we have a slot open - it might be better for you to get a data center close to you or your customers

"Always On?" - We execute many sites, most are not in production and we can save CPU and Memory by spinning down sites that are not in use. This is however a pain for the user that wakes the site up - since it takes 50-60 secs typically. For production you want AlwaysOn

"MDriven Framework Option?" - The MDrivenFramework is a visual studio plugin - it gives you the model as c# code and you can fill in methods with standard c#. This is great for doing EVERYTHING we did not think of.

"History Server Option?" - It

How does licensing of MDriven designer work if I have the free version (allowing 50 classes) and I want to use more classes? The Turnkey pricing seems to suggest that this is included but how would I unlock the 50 class limit?

Would costs be reduced if I am hosting on my own Azure account?

Finally, how would one calculate the cost for a SaaS where each tenant has their own database?

When using the MCoins to pay for services the the 50 class limit is removed and there is no limit. Days when you use the MDrivenDesigner with a large model will consume more MCoins than days with smaller models.

Azure measure and charge on data out from site - we follow the same logic.

In the long run you will likely want to have your own cloud service provider (azure or aws or anything that runs Turnkey (currently IIS)) - when you have your own, you pay the provider for all resources - and you pay us only for tool usage and license and optional priority support - that may require you to let us in on your server.

The MDrivenFramework option is if you want to mix in c# in your model - can be very practical for special logic and integrations or heavy calculation.

We will update the wiki based on your questions.

The billing run takes 2 runs. The first run looks at Site/MDriven Server usage:

  let mserv=tk.MDrivenServerIds->orderby(lastSeenTransaction)->last in
     let p=PriceSingleton.oclSingleton.CurrentPrice in
       let cost=mserv.classCountA0*p.DailyPerSitePerClass +
                mserv.viewCountA0*p.DailyPerSitePerView +
                p.PerEndUserVolumePrices->collect(x|x.GetPricePartIfApplicable(tk.EndUserCount))->sum in
           self.MCoinAccount.Credit(-cost,'Execution '+tk.IdName+' classes:'+mserv.classCountA0.asstring+' views:'+mserv.viewCountA0.asstring+' users:'+tk.EndUserCount.asstring+' data:'+tk.UsedData.asstring,false)

The second pass looks at you as a developer - and how you have used the MDriven Designer (or Framework) tools yesterday:

    let viewcount=licensechecks->orderby(x|x.MDrivenViews)->last.MDrivenViews in
      let classcount=licensechecks->orderby(x|x.MDrivenClasses)->last.MDrivenClasses in
        let cost=viewcount*PriceSingleton.oclSingleton.DailyPerDesignerPerView + classcount*PriceSingleton.oclSingleton.DailyPerDesignerPerClass in
          self.MCoinAccount.Credit(-cost,'Designer usage, '+viewcount.asstring+' views, '+classcount.asstring+' classes',false)
This page was edited more than 11 months ago on 02/10/2024. What links here