Getting safe–limited–meta information from a Turnkey app
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You will get something like this back:
You will get something like this back:
The part after the “¤” is the VMClassId : $null$;AllCars
The guid before is the VM’s server identity.
You now have enough information to pull data from the serverstream for the target view. You do this with the REST call:
The VMId is the guid we got back from “open”. The cursor is where in the message stream we are – since we just started for this UI it is zero.
We get json back:

Revision as of 18:12, 28 October 2018

I have stated on numerous occasions that MDriven Turnkey is not only for AngularJS and MVC. MDriven Turnkey is a complete information delivery architecture that is just as suitable for building highly secured native apps for other platforms. In some articles and videos I have shown this for Windows WPF and Windows Store applications.

One important requirement for this to be possible is that the turnkey system can expose just enough meta information so that a native client knows what the turnkey system in question offers / but not so much that we compromise security or divulge internal details on how our system is built.

What is enough then. Well - we need to expose the main menu so that the native app knows what it should show the user. For each main menu action we need to say what view that will be brought up. For each view we need to expose what fields, widgets and texts that the UI contains. And what actions are available from the view in question based on the current selection state of the view.

In the samples below you will want to replace the first part of the url to the one that points to your application.

Getting the main menu

And you get this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <menugroup Name="Views" Sortkey="004"/>
    <menugroup Name="ValueStores" Sortkey="005"/>
    <menugroup Name="Edit" Sortkey="002"/>
    <menugroup Name="File" Sortkey="001"/>
    <menugroup Name="Seekers" Sortkey="003"/>
    <action MenuGroup="ValueStores" MenuGroupSortKey="005" DividerGroupTag="" DividerGroupTagSortKey="" Name="ShowManageBrands" Presentation="Show Manage Brands" BringUpViewModel="ManageBrands" ExecuteFrameworkRuntimeAction="None"/>
    <action MenuGroup="Views" MenuGroupSortKey="004" DividerGroupTag="" DividerGroupTagSortKey="" Name="ShowAllRentalContracts" Presentation="Show All Rental Contracts" BringUpViewModel="AllRentalContracts" ExecuteFrameworkRuntimeAction="None"/>
    <action MenuGroup="Edit" MenuGroupSortKey="002" DividerGroupTag="" DividerGroupTagSortKey="" Name="Redo" Presentation="Redo" ExecuteFrameworkRuntimeAction="Redo"/>
    <action MenuGroup="Edit" MenuGroupSortKey="002" DividerGroupTag="" DividerGroupTagSortKey="" Name="Undo" Presentation="Undo" ExecuteFrameworkRuntimeAction="Undo"/>
    <action MenuGroup="File" MenuGroupSortKey="001" DividerGroupTag="" DividerGroupTagSortKey="" Name="Save" Presentation="Save" ExecuteFrameworkRuntimeAction="Save"/>
    <action MenuGroup="Views" MenuGroupSortKey="004" DividerGroupTag="" DividerGroupTagSortKey="" Name="ShowAllCars" Presentation="Show All Cars" BringUpViewModel="AllCars" ExecuteFrameworkRuntimeAction="None"/>
    <action MenuGroup="File" MenuGroupSortKey="001" DividerGroupTag="" DividerGroupTagSortKey="" Name="Refresh" Presentation="Refresh" ExecuteFrameworkRuntimeAction="Refresh"/>

The MenuGroups are the ones you defined in your model and the actions are all Global Actions from your model. You get sort keys that should be treated as alphanumeric sorts in order to get the menu in the designed order. Sort on MenuGroupSortKey, then DividerGroupTagSortKey. Put a Divider between items that has different DividerGroupTags. Create the MenuItem with presentation as stated in the presentation attribute.

When user wants to execute –it can either be a FrameworkAction like Save,Exit,Undo,Redo or a navigation – on navigation the BringUpViewModel attribute is set.

This information just states the obvious about your applications main menu and no need to be keep it safe – it is benign data.

If you want to filter away actions based on targetgroup – this is when your app has different audiences – you can provide the target group name in the call. TargetGroups are really a special use of the AccessGroup concept that is explained here.

To Actually implement the execution of the action you execute a REST operation like this:;ShowAllCars&ResetServerApp=false

It is the name of the action that is important “ShowAllCars” and the fact that you state that this is the MAINMENU. You do not need to worry about access control – the server will make sure the caller is authenticated if there are accessgroup needs for this menu action.

You will get something like this back:

The part after the “¤” is the VMClassId : $null$;AllCars
The guid before is the VM’s server identity.
You now have enough information to pull data from the serverstream for the target view. You do this with the REST call:
The VMId is the guid we got back from “open”. The cursor is where in the message stream we are – since we just started for this UI it is zero.

We get json back:

This page was edited more than 11 months ago on 02/10/2024. What links here