Finding angular scope from javascript
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         return undefined;       
         return undefined;       
=== Alternative approach ===
Depending on what your needs are it may be better to inject the result into a UI control and let AngularJS handle the databinding to move that data into the underlying ViewModel-object-column-property (then Turnkey will discover the change and stream it to the server). In order to let angularjs know that the code you use to set the value should be handled as a user interaction of the input you must dispatch the change event. Something like this:
function setResult(label, result) {
  let someelem=document.getElementById('BiljettCheck.Id');  // find the input elem bound to ViewModel "BiljettCheck" and Column "Id"
  someelem.value=result;                                    // assign a new value to the input
  var event = new Event('change');   
  someelem.dispatchEvent(event);                            // signal to listeners (angularjs) that the value has changed

Revision as of 07:56, 14 July 2021

Working with EXT_Components and integrating towards other services you may end up in situations where you get callbacks in client side javascript - and you will want to catch data from such a callback.

To get hold of your objects from such a callback (that are outside of the normal angular realm where you have some scope information at hand) you can go like this:

var vmroot=angular.element('#viewmodelWrapper').controller().$scope.ViewModelRoot;

You now have the current local representation of your ViewModel in the vmroot variable and you can set properties like this:


MDrivenTurnkey sees the property you change and handles signaling of server and binding of UI.

With some defensive error checking:

      function GetVMRoot(){
	var ctrl=angular.element('#viewmodelWrapper').controller();
        if (ctrl !== undefined){
           return ctrl.$scope.ViewModelRoot;
        return undefined;      

Alternative approach

Depending on what your needs are it may be better to inject the result into a UI control and let AngularJS handle the databinding to move that data into the underlying ViewModel-object-column-property (then Turnkey will discover the change and stream it to the server). In order to let angularjs know that the code you use to set the value should be handled as a user interaction of the input you must dispatch the change event. Something like this:

function setResult(label, result) {
  let someelem=document.getElementById('BiljettCheck.Id');   // find the input elem bound to ViewModel "BiljettCheck" and Column "Id"
  someelem.value=result;                                     // assign a new value to the input
  var event = new Event('change');    
  someelem.dispatchEvent(event);                             // signal to listeners (angularjs) that the value has changed
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