Openid AzureAD
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[[Category:MDriven Turnkey]]
[[Category:MDriven Turnkey]]

Latest revision as of 15:44, 10 February 2024

You can protect your Turnkey application with your active directory via Azure AD.

1.      You should already have a Turnkey web app

2.      You should have sufficient rights to register web apps in your organization's Azure AD

Login into Portal Azure and go to Azure Active Directory:

2018-05-28 13h25 47.png

Make a copy of your AD name (the authority name).

Then App Registrations, New Application registration:

2018-05-28 13h27 18.png

Enter a name for your application (just an easy-read identifier)

Also enter the sign on URL to your Turnkey – in my case:

2018-05-28 13h28 39.png

You will get this screen with important information:

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Copy the application ID.

You now have the Application ID Guid and the Authority name. We will now assign these to your application via the Turnkey-portal:

2018-05-28 13h31 45.png

Paste your values in – then Send Settings And Restart:

2018-05-28 13h33 02.png

The value for OpenId-authority for AzureAD has the form of<your authority>/

Remember to save.

Your application now has an OpenId button and when you click it, you are taken to the OpenId-authority for verification:

2018-05-28 13h34 06.png
2018-05-28 13h34 52.png

If this was the first login, a new SysUser object was created - you are done with Single Sign On (SSO) via OpenId.

This page was edited more than 1 years ago on 02/10/2024. What links here