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In software development, a <code>"string"</code> is a data type used to represent a sequence of characters. It is a fundamental and widely used data type in many programming languages. A string can contain letters, numbers, symbols, and whitespace, and it allows developers to manipulate and store textual information within a program.

Strings are typically enclosed in quotation marks, either single <code>(<nowiki>''</nowiki>)</code> or double <code>("")</code> quotes, depending on the programming language's syntax. For example:
name = "John"
In the above Python code snippet, <code>"John"</code> is a string assigned to the variable name. The string can be accessed, modified, and used in various operations and functions throughout the program.
Strings are immutable in many programming languages, which means that once a string is created, it cannot be changed. However, string manipulation operations often create new strings based on the original string. For example, concatenating two strings:
greeting = "Hello, " + name
In this case, the original string <code>"Hello, "</code> and the value of the name variable are combined to create a new string, <code>"Hello, John."</code>
String objects often provide a set of methods or functions that allow developers to perform operations such as finding the length of a string, searching for substrings, extracting portions of a string, converting case (e.g., uppercase or lowercase), and replacing characters or substrings. These operations enable various string manipulation tasks, including input validation, text parsing, data formatting, and more.
Here's an example of using some common string methods in Python:
  message = "Hello, World!"
  # Length of the string
  length = len(message)
  print("Length:", length)
  # Searching for a substring
  print("Index of 'World':", message.index("World"))
  # Extracting a portion of the string
  print("Substring:", message[7:])
  # Converting to uppercase
  print("Uppercase:", message.upper())
  # Replacing a substring
  new_message = message.replace("World", "OpenAI")
  print("Replaced:", new_message)
Length: 13
Index of 'World': 7
Substring: World!
Uppercase: HELLO, WORLD!
Replaced: Hello, OpenAI!
Overall, strings are essential in software development for handling and manipulating textual data, enabling programmers to work with and process a wide range of information in their programs.

See also: [[Number conversions]]
See also: [[Number conversions]]

Revision as of 09:19, 1 March 2024

See also: Number conversions

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