Overriding AngularJS MDriven Turnkey Views
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This is how we do grids:
This is how we do grids:
<pre class="code"><span style="background: white; color: green;">      &lt;table&gt;
          &lt;tr <span style="background-color: #ffff00;">ng-repeat="video in root.AllVideo"&gt;</span>
            &lt;td&gt;  &lt;input type="checkbox" name="input" ng-model="video.<span style="background-color: #ffff00;">vCurrent</span>"&gt;&lt;/td&gt;
            &lt;td&gt;  {{ video.Name }}        &lt;/td&gt;
            &lt;td&gt;  {{ video.Length }}  &lt;/td&gt;
            &lt;td&gt;  {{ video.Genre }}        &lt;/td&gt;

Revision as of 19:46, 4 November 2018

This is the original generic view we use – use this as a starting point when stirring things up:

@using Eco.MVC
@model AngularModel
@{ Layout = null; }

<form > <!--The only reason for having a form is the ability to simulate a 
postback so that validation is triggered and the error bubbles may show--> <!--Body content-->
<div id="floatingRectangle" ng-show='root._Admin.Loading()'>
img src='~/Content/ajax-loader.gif' /></div> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-2" style="vertical-align:top;"> @Html.AngualarUIActions(Model) </div> <div class="col-md-10" style="padding:10px;border-left: lightgray thin solid ;">
@Html.AngualarUI(Model)</div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-offset-2 col-md-10">
@Html.DisplayErrorsWarningsInfos(Model)@*Error,Warning,Info constraints*@</div> </div> </div> </form> @Html.Partial("_DeveloperInfoPartial")

Taking a closer look at the parts:

We use Bootstrap to make the original UI responsive – that is why there are no table elements , only div elements.

The data you have access to in your html page is strictly derived from the ViewModel.

If your ViewModel is defined like this:

then you can expect to find data bindable with AngularJS like this:

root.RegistrationNumber, root.KilometersRun etc

To declare an input id that binds to RegistrationNumber you would go:

<input ng-model=”root.RegistrationNumber”/>

But in the ViewModel you also have the enable expression that you probably want to use:

<input ng-model=”root.RegistrationNumber” ng-disabled=”!root.VM_Status.EditOneCar_RegistrationNumber_Enabled”/>

And then you have the visible expression:

<input ng-model=”root.RegistrationNumber” ng-disabled=”!root.VM_Status.EditOneCar_RegistrationNumber_Enabled” ng-show="root.VM_Status.EditOneCar_RegistrationNumber_Visible" />

… do not forget the style:

<input ng-model=”root.RegistrationNumber” ng-disabled=”!root.VM_Status.EditOneCar_RegistrationNumber_Enabled” ng-show="root.VM_Status.EditOneCar_RegistrationNumber_Visible" ng-class="root.VM_Status.EditOneCar_RegistrationNumber_Style"/>

This is how we define select controls (Combobox) for setting the Brand in the above ViewModel:

<select ng-model="root.Brand" ng-options="opt.GetOId() as opt.Name for opt in root.BrandPickList" ></select>

Of course you may use disable, show and style for this as well.

This is how we do grids:

          <tr ng-repeat="video in root.AllVideo">
            <td>  <input type="checkbox" name="input" ng-model="video.vCurrent"></td>
            <td>  {{ video.Name }}        </td>
            <td>  {{ video.Length }}  </td>
            <td>  {{ video.Genre }}         </td>

This page was edited more than 11 months ago on 02/10/2024. What links here