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AsyncTicket is pattern easily added to your model and backed by recent MDrivenServers
AsyncTicket is a pattern easily added to your model and backed by recent MDrivenServers

Read about its background here
Read about its background here

Revision as of 09:45, 14 April 2020

AsyncTicket is a pattern easily added to your model and backed by recent MDrivenServers

Read about its background here

The SysAsyncTicket

The solution on how to easily spin of any kind of work and to do it later – or async –  is implemented by part model-pattern, part framework support and part MDrivenServer support. That being said it is important that you have versions from 2020-feb-28 or later for this to work as described below.

2020-04-14 11h42 40.png

The contract that instructs the system that you want this ability is fulfilled by adding a class that is defined like this:

  • Named SysAsyncTicket
  • Has attribute DeleteTime with DateTime-nullable type. This will be set by the server after your work has executed to Now+KeepReceiptMinutes.
  • Has attribute Done with DateTime-nullable type. This will be set by the server when work is done.
  • Has attribute Error with string (nullable optional) type. If there is an initial issue with the ticket – like if the RootId is not valid, or the ViewModel is not existing you will see this property filled with information.
  • Has attribute ExecuteEarliest with DateTime-nullable type. If you want a delayed start you can set this – but leave to null for the server to execute it as soon as possible.
  • Has attribute KeepReceiptMinutes with Integer type – with an initial value set to your liking. Signals that the auto cleaning of a used ticket should happen X minutes after the job finishes.
  • Has attribute RootId with string (nullable optional) type. This is resolved and set by the framework to the external id that the RootObject association points to. If it points to a yet unsaved object the framework will discover this and set this property after a valid key is retrieved. If this extra pass was needed the framework will automatically resave the SysAsyncTicket with the updated rootid property.
  • Has attribute ViewModel with string (nullable optional) type. This must be a valid name of a ViewModel existing in your model – it does not need to be a serverside-viewmodel. Any rooted-viewmodel will make do. You should use the constants found on the class, ie: ticket.ViewModel:=YourClass.ViewModels.SomeViewModelName
  • Has a transient(Persistent=false) single association RootObject navigable in the direction of the most abstract class you ever want to use for async work (ie the SysSuperClass in a standard model). It is important that this link is set to Persistent=false since pointing out a hyper-abstract-class in a persistent association is really bad practice, as it would require the framework to ask all possible subclasses if they have the key (this process is called exactification of a foreign key). In a system with hundreds of classes this means hundreds of queries – ie do not set persistent links to abstract classes if the key is stored outside the abstract class – it will work but it will hurt performance.

Once you have this in your model and the server sees it – the server will create 2 new administrative serverside jobs. One job is looking for SysAsyncTickets that has null in the Done attribute. This job has high frequency – just like a key assigning job would have – but it is more ok for the SysAsyncTicket-job since there is only one of it. The other job deletes tickets that has a DeleteTime older than now – this job has a very low frequency.

The high frequency SysAsyncTicket job will look up the root object from RootId – look up the referred ViewModel – and then execute the viewmodel just as a normal serverside job. Typically this means it will execute the actions on the root-level in order from top to bottom – and then save and changed state that came out of those actions.

This page was edited more than 9 months ago on 03/26/2024. What links here