#TargetType.TaggedValue CommaSeparatedExampleValues Short Description
#Column.DataIsHtml True,False When True static fields treat the data as markup and display potential HTML in the browser
  • This is a way to put calculated (or whatever you want) HTML onto the page. In this case, you can, for example, have the tiny MCE editor for editing custom content. You use this column and point to the Blob field that contains this HTML, and then this HTML will be poured into the page. It will be data-bound; if you change this HTML dynamically, the pages will also be updated dynamically. This is a way, for example, to present content that is edited by an administrator or another user or other ways that you create HTML. You could, for example, use the report as an HTML function. If you do that, you can create complex content that is intermingled with data-bound information that will be put onto the page.
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