Model Examples Old

Examples that you can merge into your empty or not complete model in order to get some functionality

2020-05-30 19h00 48.png

or/and :

2020-05-30 19h02 13.png

What happens when you merge another modlr file?

  1. If the merged use some class name that you already use - the content of the classes is copied from the merged file to the class you already had - the merged class is discarded to avoid doublet
  2. If the merged use the same package name as you already have in your model - the content from the merged file is moved into your package
  3. If you the merged file use some viewmodel-names you already have - they are skipped - if new viewmodels they are added
  4. If you have the same diagram name - the diagrams are merged to avoid doublets.
  5. If the merged had some AssetsTK - it is merged to your AssetsTK increasing it or updating it

File:Demo1.modlr Testing to add a modlr file via media

Adding it again:

... cant have same name , cant have same content File:Företag.modlr


This is how the link should be formed:

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