Emailing from an app using MDrivenServer

Be sure to have set up the portal settings or MDriven Server settings

Serverside viewmodel

Create a serverside viewmodel like this;

Example of viewmodel for emailing.png

When you have an action in your viewmodel named “email” then MDrivenServer will try to find the following properties in your viewmodel:

  • to : will be used as to email address. You can also send in multiple emails in a comma separated string to send to multiple. Use this syntax PopularName<email> to get a common name to show instead of the email. For example "PopularName1<email@email.x>,PopularName2<email2@email.x>"
  • from: the sender email
  • frompresentation: the name to use as sender
  • body: the message
  • subject: the subject line
  • Emailxxx: Any action starting with email will trigger the send.

Adding attachments to server side emails

Add a nesting column name "attachments"

Let the target nesting have the following columns: file:blob, name:string and mediatype:string

None of the above is case sensitive. See example below


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