
Intention of this info is to be downloaded by MDrivenDesigner at startup to guide what tagged value can be used where.

All valid Tagged values must be added here


We deliberately skip the ones that has Designer properties already

#TargetType.TaggedValue CommaSeparatedExampleValues ShortDescription
#Column.DataIsImageUrl True,False When set on a ViewModelColumn the data string is treated as an Image URL by Turnkey
#Column.DataIsLink True,False When set on viewmodelColumn the string data within is treated as a hyperlink
#Column.BlobDownloadLink True,False When set on a ViewModelColumn the Blob content can be downloaded by a hyperlink rather than rendered
#Nesting.Editable True,False Nesting that represent grid will render web grid cells as possibly editable (depending on read only expression)
#Column.MaxFetch <int> Declare "MaxFetch=<int>" on the ViewModelColumn action that initiates the search to change from the default (100)
#Attribute.ExternalBlobStorage True,False Large files can be kept out of the granular model database.This is a turnkey functionality only - and the the files will be stored (with simplest outofthebox solution) on disk App_Data/BlobStorage
#Column.StringFormat <identifier> WPF Only: TaggedValue StringFormat on ViewModel column has precedence for finding a binding Stringformat - normally the stringFormat is taken from <StyleRef>.StringFormat , but if this TV has value - <value>.StringFormat is used
#Span.MVC True,False The Turnkey WebApplication uses MVC for index and login pages - it defaults to angularjs for all other pages. To get MVC on other pages you must set tagged value MVC=true on ViewModel.
#Column.Angular_Ext_Component <Angular component name> Set UIOverride on ViewModelColum - assign this tagged value - turnkey will now look for component definition in EXT_Components folder
#Span.DoNotSearchOnEnter Existence UI's in wecpof will search on enter is it has seek expressions - you can turn this off by defining this TV on the ViewModel level
#Span.Bootstrap.ClassPrefix col-xs- Alter the default Bootstrap column prefix from col-sm- to something else
#Span.Bootstrap.StaticSections Existence The view parts above the topmost splitter and below the bottom-most splitters will be static in the browser. The middle section scrolls.
#Method.Eco.ExternalLateBound Existence If TV is set the ExternalLateBound logic is searched for implementation of this method
#Span.CSSGrid True,False If this is true then MVC and angular views will Render with CSSGrid instead of with Bootstrap
#Nesting.MultiSelect True,False Allows multi select - you can then expect vSelected_<NameOfNesting> to be maintained
#Column.DataIsHtml True,False When True static fields are treats the data as markup and displays potential html in the browser
#Span.Eco.RestAllowed True,False Enables a viewModel to be accessed with REST api
#Column.XmlAttribute True,False When using ViewModelAsXml, viewmodel column will be rendered as an XML Attribute
#Column.XmlChildnode True,False When using ViewModelAsXml, viewmodel single link column will be rendered as an XML element tree node
#Column.NodeName <name of node> Used to override the XML och JSON node name usually given by the viewmodel column. Used for example to input a - (dash) as a part of the name of an attribute.
#Column.MaxFileSizeInBytes 10000000 Limits Blobs and Images to a maximum size of the file (primarily web).
#Column.AcceptFiles image/*,.pdf Rendered in HTML on the <input> file tag as the "accept" attribute. For more info, search for the "accept" attribute.
#Span.HideSidebar True,False Hide the sidebar on the page
#Span.FixColSize True,False Set equal columns size on the page
#Column.FixColSize True,False Set equal columns size inside the groupboxes
#Column.HideHeading True,False Hide heading of the groupbox
#Column.OpenInNewTab True,False Open the link in the new browser tab
#Nesting.Eco.WECPOFDoubleClickAction None,DefaultAction,ModalOkPrecedence Implemented for WPF but should follow in Turnkey. Controls what should happen on Grid double click.
#Column.Switch True,False Change checkbox appearance to the switch control.
#Nesting.CellSelect True,False In WPF this controls if the grid should get CellSelect from start rather than row select
#Column.Placeholder Placeholder text Add placeholder text for text and number fields.
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