Part 9 MDriven Turnkey, cloud tools and access groups

Access groups

In this part of MDriven designer sessions access groups have been shown and how we can use them to authenticate and authorize users. You probably have different users in your system and these users are probably associated with an access group somehow (ActiveDirectory or something in your application).You will want to allow and disallow user groups to execute actions.This could be done as enable expressions on the Actions – but that would not be very nice since it would kidnap the use of enable from the normal things we use enable for (check data state). Also if a user is never allowed to execute “TheAdminInterface” it might be best to hide that action from view all together. To facilitate this Modlr has a new concept called AccessGroups .
Also we have demonstrated how you can continue with the fast pace loop of edit and deploy.

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MDriven turnkey Cloud connection tool License and ticket site Viewmodel named index MDriven designer snippets ASPNETIdentity.snippets: • Apply snippet dialogue • SysUser • SysSingleton MDriven server persistence Authentication on the site Access Groups of users: • Actions controlled by access groups

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ok, so we are now in a position where

we have done some work on our model

we have run the prototyping tool on the model

back and forth

and ended up in a situation

where we have a couple of views

that allows us navigation between the views

the next step is maybe that we want

to involve real users trying out the system

and of course, we could have the real

users download MDriven designer

and execute the same way as we do here

but that will probably not happen

even if it was, when we are done

actually setting the system in production

we want to consume it another way, of course

so that leads us to turnkey, MDriven turnkey

MDriven turnkey is a platform to execute everything you

do in MDriven designer in a cloud app

so let's get that started

from within MDriven designer you will find

the cloud connection tool,

so something like this screen

and this is the login that

you do with your license and ticket password as a user

I usually use the google social

login to avoid, to remove

the hassle of remembering passwords etc

so I'm pressing that one and

now I'm logged in as myself

I don't need to press this refresh button

to get access to the turnkey sites

that I have, that are available to me

refresh and now I see the turnkey sites

that are available to me

in your combo box that will probably be one or two

so this is the one that I'm going for

this is a blank one that I just set up

following other instructions on the site

I'm not going to explain that here but

it's easy to find how to do this

so we can check status on that one and

we see that it responds,

so what we will want to do now

is to upload the model that

we have into this site

so upload model

then it's done and we check status and

what it says evolve started

meaning that ok

the database wasn't in the state that equals the

model that I have uploaded

so the turnkey logic need to change it,

it says that it has done the following change script

and applied it to the database

and that's ok, so having done that

we should actually head over to

what we can do is to jump to the license and ticket site

pops up here, this is what it looks like

I'm going to log into that as well

I had my google account

well now it doesn't remember because

this was edge I'm going to do the same thing in chrome

so I don't have to have my google logged in in two places

license and ticket and I was logged in

and I go to show my turnkey sites and this list

is of course the same as the list I see here

from this one, manage one turnkey site

and then visit site going to press ctrl

so that I don't navigate away from

this new tab and then it tells me

missing page - you need to create a viewmodel named index

ok, so that's a requirement for turnkey

driven site that the model contains viewmodel that's named index

so easy enough to fix, add model elements and

the viewmodel you didn't see that one

because that were out of screen

call this one index and when I open it up

I'm gonna give it a class,

add a generic column

just write a string, this is index

now when I go back to the cloud dialogue

I don't have to login again

it will remain logged in

as long as I'm in this session of MDriven designer

I don't have to do anything here

I'm just uploading the model once more

and that's pretty fast

so I'm heading back to this one

and then pressing refresh and now it found

the view model that was named index and now the menus show up

from the actions that we did the global actions

so if we were to show all houses now, we will still get an error

it will look like this and it says that SysUser is not a type name, so this is further

requirement for MDriven models that

there is a consistent way to identify

users of your system

normally these requirements are fulfilled in the

initial model from turnkey, but now we

started with a blank model

so we don't have it and what we did,

when we uploaded our model was that we replaced the

default model for turnkey,

so this we need to amend our model

to fulfill these requirements

that's quite easy to do we just go

to capable object site

to find in the support area MDriven designer snippets

so snippets can be further explored

on these links on the site, but what they are

are actually pieces of models that

you can reuse between

different models, different projects that you have

so what I'm going to do is to

download ASPNETIdentity.snippets

what these do is actually add

what's needed to use identity

we're going to see how that looks

so I'm going to show the folder,

where this is

going to copy the folder like that

and heading back to MDriven designer,

this will add a few classes and I can have them here

but I would rather do a new package

package is just a way to separate things a bit

like a namespace

add model elements, add package, so that's package2

in package2 I want to apply my snippet

but ok I haven't imported the

snippet to the MDriven designer yet

going to need to do that

import snippets

going to download dialogue and this was

the one that I downloaded

right-clicking on package snippets and

now I will find the important snippet here identity user auth for turnkey

when I click it I get apply dialogue

this one doesn't have any settings

if this snippet had settings replacements

then I could enter the values here but I

just do apply as I do apply

I got classes add, ok now I see that they

weren't added to my package2

but they were added to the package1

and this is probably because the snippet it had them

I don't really know, but I need to check that out

what I can do is to do them point at these

and say that they should belong

to package2 instead

so that one package2, this one package2

and how I find them is all the ones

that the start with "Sys"

so again there's actually no need

to have them in a separate package

it's just for making it a bit more clear

that I haven't actually modeled

these myself just used

and of course to get the view of an understanding

of what's there

we could add a new diagram

add a class diagram and click that one up

and then I was draging these on to hear

Sys User Claim

likee that, now they're all here

so. what they do is actually that

when user authenticates with your site

when it registers with your site

it will create this user object that will

be available to you

and whenever this user is logged into your site

SysSingleton will point out the current

user in this transient association

so you can always find this class which is

SysSingleton, which means it has a

single object access with the ocl operator

ocl singleton, so you can

easily get hold on that object

that has this association that points out

the current user and from that current user

you can find roles that this user has

if it has logged in with the

external login like I did with google

it will be here and if there are

certain claims made on this user

like it has this email address or something like that

they will be available here

ok, so again now that we have prepared our model

for the cloud to handle all the


so back to the cloud dialogue

upload the model again, check the status

check the status again and now we see

that it has evolved our little database

to contain these new classes

head back to chrome and see,

if we have better luck

this time to show all the houses

yes we have, but since we are now in the

cloud and not using our little xml file

we don't have any houses

but the action is there,

so if I press that one

will see that a new house is created for me

I can save that new house

I'm going to add yet another one and

save that one as well,

when I select one of the houses

I'm presented with the options available

for that select the role

this 0 here is actually just

the default representation of the house

so that I could change in my model, if I wanted to

show house navigates to the new house

and I could upload an image

for this house I will set address

if I want to pick tenants by search

I will get up the search dialog

and of course I don't have any tenants

so that will be empty, but since the

prototyping worked with a xml file initially

but the online globally

available application cannot work with

the same xml file

but can the prototyping work with the same data

that we see in the cloud then

well yes, and so instead of choosing the

persistence xml, we can choose to

persistence MDriven server

and since we have been in the cloud dialogue

already told that it was demo55

at the azure websites that we were using

it will suggest that one

so we could start a system against that one

and from the model locally to continue

designing here

show all houses and here is

the house that we added online

so if we were to change to upload the image

again from here

we would expect it to show up here as well

so refresh that one and now have it there

so when we needed test data, before

we used import tool, let's do that again

but now we connected to the MDriven server

start system and in the debugger

import tab separated and the view model

name was "import persons" first name and last name

and imported them like that and update them like so

now we should find them in, if we pick and search

we had something like tht, so what she does for you

is that it enables you to have any functionality

that you model in your

MDriven designer system

and execute it in the cloud, in a fully responsive web

application that the user can execute on their phone

and then it will fold like this

of course, you can work a lot with styles

and style sheets etc to control the rendering

but the basic idea is that

a lot of things could be automatically

generated from the information that you

have in the model does saving you

a lot of headache for debugging and developing

yeah a UI for every possible view

that you need in your system

ok, but a really important thing being on

the web is authentication, how can we be

sure that only the correct persons

are accessing our information, so we're going

to take a look at that first of all and

since we added the things to control

who's logged in we

now have the ability to actually log

into this site, but this site

doesn't have any users yet, so we need to

register, going to register with the fake

with my email like that and enter password

register, so now logged in as myself

but there's really was no difference

if I could show all houses

if I'm logged in or logout so that's a major problem

we only want to show all

houses to logged in users

how would we go about that

then it's the access groups

that come into play

looks like this going to create a new

access group I'm going to call it there

only logged in and the enable expression

for this action should be that the user

is logged in or maybe even the visible

expression should the action show at all

and then let's check that the SysSingleton

class, it has an operator called ocl singleton

this is the only instance of

of this object and that in turn has a

association called current user

and we want to make sure that this is not empty

that's the primary thing because if it's empty

no user is logged in, right

so that's the access group that we...

that's the rule for this access group

so action is controlled by only logged in

well we want to make sure that the show

all houses is controlled by this

maybe also the show or persons

so now we have stated that the these actions

are controlled by this access group

that access group requires in order for the

action to be visible that the current

user is not empty pretty straightforward

so we had back to the cloud dialogue

upload the model and as we do

we refresh this one, we see there are no

actions at all for the views because

there were no sub actions, so if I login

then I see them so this is one way

to limit access to only logged in users

of course, if there were other criterias

like the user must be in a certain role

well, then I would just amend my

expression for the only log in access group

and you ask how?

access current user and follow the link

to just use a role and select from that

to see if there's a certain aspect that I

fulfill, but I'm not going to do that now

so the access group can control actions

if they are going to be enabled or visible,

but since we're on the web

there is a possibility that some user has

that was logged in has correct URL

to one of the views and you stayed directly

to mitigate this that make sure that they

also logged in we gonna add all houses persons

and all persons views to the access

group like that

so what we have seen today

then is the ability

to execute your model in the cloud and with

MDriven turnkey, so everything you do

in MDriven designer, you can execute

in MDriven turnkey

we have shown access groups

and how we can use them to

authenticate and authorize users

you can have multiple access groups for any kind

of logic that you want

to give to a certain group of people

and we have shown how you can continue with the

fast pace loop of edit and deploy

that we do in the prototyping even in the cloud

and you don't have to choose

you can use both at the same time,

running towards the same data

ok, we will end there for today, thank you

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