
In order to Hash and Validate Turnkey passwords you must add two ExternalLateBound methods to SysUser.

VerifyHashedPassword(hash:String; pwd:String):Integer

SysUser must also have an attribute Email:string(?) in .net core since the underlying pwd salt uses the email.

These methods must have Tagged Value Eco.ExternalLateBound on them - set any value - we only check existence

NOTE: When you run with codedress - you should leave Body empty for ExternalLateBound methods - if not empty this will be executed instead of ExternalOverride. Leaving it empty will force the codegen to create a stub - but this will be ignored for ExternalLateBound. Mind that you may need to add return statements etc to the stub to make it compile. Like this;

public string HashPassword(string pwd)
  return "";

The VerifyHashedPassword returns an integer that is defined as:

Failed = 0,
Success = 1,
SuccessRehashNeeded = 2
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