If the Pattern from the above model is discovered by your MDriven system you may install the new IMDrivenUITranslation service – then the MDriven system will use the data found in the objects for the model and use them as translations.
The service is installed like this:
MDriven.Translation.MDrivenUITranslationImpl.Install(ecoServiceProvider);// Installs translation services
Newer versions of MDriven Turnkey does this already for you.
The IMDrivenUITranslation has a DefaultLanguage setting. The DefaultLanguage is set by MDriven Turnkey to the Language set in the user browser. Typically this is a value like “en-US” or “sv-SE”. You can force the default language with an action like this : 'Whatever'.Translate('DEFAULT=sv-SE');
‘Translate this’.Translate(‘sv-SE’) is a valid expression that will try to look up a SysTranslatable object with Value equal to ‘Translate this’, it will then look for Translations that points out a Language with code equals ‘sv-SE’. If found the value of the matching SysTranslation object will be returned. If no matching translation is discovered the original value is kept.
It would be a complete pain to create all the SysTranslatables by hand and to help you avoid that you can perform this in an action: 'Whatever'.Translate('SPOOLMISSED') , sending “SPOOLMISSED” as a language has special meaning and create SysTranslatables for all complete misses that system has seen since start or since last call to SPOOLMISSED.
The actual dictionaries used to do the translations are created at system start up. That means that you will need to restart your system in order to see newly added translations to take effect. This may however not be a possibility for the translators on your team – most likely the translators are just ordinary users or administrators of your system – but they will want to see the effect of an added translation as soon as possible. To mitigate this we have added yet another special meaning lnaguage identifier: 'Whatever'.Translate('RESETCACHE'). This will reset all cached pages in your application since they possibly contain translations – and the next request they will be re-done and thus reflect the new translations made.
The article introducing this functionlity is found here https://blog.mdriven.net/localization/