Custom controls in ViewModel aided Views

This article is taking things further still – the ability to merge in your own displays in the viewmodel aided view including:

  • how to mold data from your model into viewmodels using the ViewModel-designer in Modlr.
  • how such viewmodels lend themselves to act as the complete definition of a view if you just dress them up with a few user interface hints (UI-Hints) – and how easy that is in the Modlr viewmodel designer.
  • effective way to get an administrative UI up and running in minutes instead of hours.

Consider this simple model:


Accompanied by this viewmodel:


Here we display a list of all flowers by name, and a some details on the focused flower – the name and the number of leaves – but also a ViewModelColumn called “HowItLooks”.

The “HowItLooks” column has the flag Content-Override set. When this flag is set the well-behaving ViewModelUserControl should allow for the developer to inject their own display – with a callback event or the like. At this point you can associate a WPF UI control in design ti


When the ViewModelColumn is selected the property inspector looks like this ☛

The ContentOverride and ContentOverrideTypeDesignTimePath are shown whenever the ContentOverride is true.

The ContentOverride expects the Assembly without the dll extension, a semi colon , and the namespace and type of the UserControl you want to display here. <AssemblynamewithoutDLLExtension>;<NameSpace>.<TypeOfExternalUIControl>.

The type you want to use must implement this interface:

namespace Eco.ViewModel.Runtime 
   public interface IExternalWECPOFUIComponent  
   // Summary:    
   //     Go like this: (vmc.SpawnedComponents["control"] as Grid).Children.Add(this);    
   void InstallYourSelf(ViewModelColumn vmc, bool isDesignTime);    
   string TheRequirementsToShowDeveloperInDesignTime();  

A simple sample

It would be nice if the NumberOfLeaves could be visualized in some other way than just an integer – it would be nice if I could see the leaves.

In WPF it is fairly simple to draw something that looks like a flower:

void DrawingArea_LayoutUpdated(object sender, EventArgs e) 
   if (NumberOfLeafs != _drawnleaves)  
    Point center = new Point(DrawingArea.ActualWidth / 2, DrawingArea.ActualHeight / 2);    
    double leafdeg = 0;    for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfLeafs; i++)   
    Ellipse oneleaf = new Ellipse();      
    oneleaf.Width = 10;      
    oneleaf.Height = center.Y;      
    oneleaf.RenderTransform = new RotateTransform(leafdeg, 5, 0);     
    oneleaf.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black);      oneleaf.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Yellow);      Canvas.SetLeft(oneleaf, center.X-5);      Canvas.SetTop(oneleaf, center.Y);      DrawingArea.Children.Add(oneleaf);      leafdeg = (i+1)* 360 / NumberOfLeafs;    }    Ellipse pistills=new Ellipse() { Width = 20, Height = 20, Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black) };    DrawingArea.Children.Add(pistills);    Canvas.SetLeft(pistills, center.X-10);    Canvas.SetTop(pistills, center.Y-10);    _drawnleaves = NumberOfLeafs;  } }
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