Purpose of History Server

What is the purpose of history?

- History views past time in the eyes of todays definition

History is not a history of definition - its history of data

If new definition is applied no knowledge of this new definition is available prior to that time - and thus no data can be present prior to this point

If new definition removes existing definition - data that complies to that definition is also removed through out time - this cause data-loss of historic data that cannot be represented in the current definition

To keep history of definition use GIT on the model (or other repository for code/definition)

To keep full historic snapshots of data and definition use database backup -  and backup retention settings

What MDrivenServer-History database offer is a manageable middleground to track changes to help a user to understand the evolution of data in the perspective of the current definition. This is a fantastic functionality for stable definitions and help users to see dynamics of data changes.

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