Customizing login and other account ui MVC

The UI that Turnkey and custom built web apps using the MDriven.ASPNETIdentity implementation can be easily overriden by following this strategy.

This is explained in the context of MDriven Turnkey - buut will follow the same pattern for other application using MDriven.ASPNETIdentity.

  1. Remember that Account controller has different implementations for MVC4(.net5+) and MVC4 (framework 4.7), the override behaves the same for both controllers (AccountControllerBase and AccountControllerBaseForCore)
  2. The controller has been given a new string property AccountOverride if this is assigned all account cshtml views will be sought after first in Views/Account/EXT_AccountOverride/<AccountOverride-value>
  3. If the sought after UI is not found in the override position - the standard position will be used Views/Account - this is also true if AccoountOverride is null or empty
    2022-03-08 18h56 00.png
    In the image above the Login and Register has been overriden and will come into play if and only if the AccountController.AccountOverride == "test"
  4. In MDriven Turnkey you give a value to AccountController.AccountOverride by implementing a string attribute on SysSingleton:
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