
VistaDB is a an embedded db licensed from Gibraltar software

The main use is to be admin and startup db for MDrivenServer. It will replace the SQLCompact db since this does not work on other platforms than Windows.

Internal note to Builders; The VistaDB's nuget package is not public so you need to add path in VS: C:\capableobjectswush\Xternal\VistaDB

2021-04-25 16h20 43.png

If a new MDrivenServer (has no valid admin db) and it sees UseVistaDBIfThisFileExists.xml the file DatabaseVistaDB_TkStartDb.vdb6 it will be copied into DatabaseVistaDB.vdb6 and from that time the MDrivenServer use VistaDB as admin db.

Else DatabaseCompact_TkStartDb.sdf will be copied to DatabaseCompact.sdf and from that point SQLCompact is used as admin db (will not work on linux and macos)

Go back to DatabaseCompact when needed

In MDrivenServer/App_Data

  1. Delete/rename the current db DatabaseVistaDB.vdb6 to make it not seen.
  2. Rename the file UseVistaDBIfThisFileExists to make it not seen.
  3. Restart server.
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