Upload/Download files and images in MDriven Turnkey

Upload Files

When you upload a file using a Turnkey application, the logic in the web browser that is in type script uses the web API method on the Turnkey server called UploadFileMultiPartController.

You enable this feature to upload a file by designing your ViewModel in your application with a non-read-only blob/image attribute.

In the Designer, when you're designing your Viewmodel, you can have an attribute named FileName and the uploaded file's name will be set on that attribute. The two attributes are like companions - the attribute of the blob/image and then you add _FileName and that file name will be stored in the second attribute. You also have the option to use BlobStorage to avoid storing files in the database.

If you want to see how it is done - to make it work inside your own custom client - you can always inspect the javascript or typescript code, copy it, and implement your own way of doing this. Post a MultiPart message to UploadFileMultiPartController:

  • Have a ViewModel context so that you have a valid vmid
  • You must send in the vmclassid that denotes the viewmodelclass tied to a specific object
  • You must put in the target that is the viewmodelcolumn that receives the data
  • You can optionally send in the filename - this is the name assigned to the <MyColumn>_FileName attribute if found in the viewmodelclass

To upload files into your Turnkey application, add an attribute with type of Blob to your class in the model.

You can set it in the attribute properties area in MDriven Designer.

Set the attribute's type and BlobType in attribute properties.

MDriven Turnkey will render Blob as the upload button component. The text inside the button depends on your ViewColumn name. Don't forget to use <MyColumn>_FileName and <MyColumn>_ContentType to save your name and content type of the uploaded file (MDriven Turnkey will use this data to correctly create the download link for your Blob).

Upload file.png Default upload button
Upload file readonly.png Readonly state of upload button

(When readonly state is set, you cannot upload the file)

Uploaded file.png Uploaded state of upload button

(When the file is uploaded, the upload button will turn 'green' and show the name of the uploaded file below)

Download Files

To download a file in MDriven Turnkey, add your Blob attribute to your ViewModel and set "isStatic" for the ViewModelColumn which contains your Blob attribute. You can use TaggedValue "BlobDownloadLink" to create a download link for your Blob.

Download file.png Default download file button

Upload Images

To upload images into your Turnkey application, add an attribute with type of Blob to your class in the MDriven Designer and set BlobType – "Image" in the attribute's properties area.

Set BlobType to "Image" in MDriven Designer
Image upload component.png Default image upload button
Image upload component hover state.png Hover and click to upload the image
Uploaded image.png Image is uploaded

(When the image is uploaded, it will replace the default fallback image inside the component)

You can use the readonly expression or "isStatic" checkbox in your ViewModel to present your image without the upload ability.


If you have a ViewModel column with some kind of expression to reach the byte array that is the image, then the Turnkey does not know if it is an image or a file. Add the Eco.BlobType=Image tagged value to the ViewModel column.

See also:

To upload multiple files, see: Multiple file upload component

Also, learn more about the ability to use an External Blob Storage.

This page was edited more than 11 months ago on 03/26/2024. What links here