Turnkey MVC Controllers
ControllerClasses, not streaming.png

The build in MVC Controller


Implements support for a MVC Controller that uses an EcoSpace for persistence.

Includes support for a EcoSpace cache provider and a mechanism that stores the EcoSpace on TempData during redirect.


ModelDrivenControllerBase is a subclass of EcoController with additions to handle features such as ViewModels, Actions, navigation etc.

Note that function for [HttpPost]-ing writes data to the online viewmodel (and ecospace), other functions don't

OFFLINE VMClass is a VMClass created when a request arrives from the client. It contains values written by the client and is Submitted/Applied to the online VMClass

ONLINE VMClass is a VMClass backed by the persistent storage.


Implements support for the MDrivenServer features. This includes connecting to the Admin ecospace of the server, downloading model and view etc.

It also includes using the majority of other features available in the framework, like Bootstrap rendering of viewmodels, databinding serverside using MVC or client-side using AngularJS and the streaming API.

Complete controller overview

MVC ControllerClasses.png

MVC to Angular navigation

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